Tracey Jones



In Japan there is an art form called kintsukuroi which means “to repair with gold”. When a ceramic pot or bowl would break, the artisan would put the pieces together again using gold or silver. This would create something much stronger. The breaking is something to be proud of. Embracing every flaw and imperfection. Every crack …

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Mastering the art of our private life

The Personal Emotional Strategy ‘IS’ as important as your Business plan.  It’s what will keep your mind flowing through your work and personal life.  Following on from the previous article I would like to delve a little deeper into our personal lives.  I often come across people within a specific field that excel over and beyond, yet sometimes other areas of …

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Corporate Burnout

Recently I’ve been hearing of so many cases of people reaching burn out within various sectors. Especially within the corporate sector, where people are leaving the profession as they just can’t give any more to the job.  The common theme being gruelling long hours and not being able to slow the mind down and switch …

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Allowing vs Pushing

Why is it that we sometimes push things so much in life?  There are times we need to move projects forward, businesses forward, drive and motivate the team, however this is different to pushing something to happen. Understanding when to push and when to allow. Let’s look at the story of the man and the butterfly cocoon …

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Living with endometriosis

The latest facts and figures about endometriosis.·      1 in 10 women of reproductive age in the UK suffer from endometriosis.1·      10% of women worldwide have endometriosis – that’s 176 million.1·      The prevalence of endometriosis in women with infertility is as high as to 30–50%.2·      Endometriosis is the second most common gynaecological condition in the UK.3·      Endometriosis affects 1.5 million women in the UK, a similar number of women …

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